Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hola Famila,
What a week it has been. Yesterday I couldn't write becuase we had our last zone conference with President Cook, it was great! We learned a lot about how to get members involved and how to make good plans for goals, and plan something every hour. At the end we all gave our testimonys and President and Hermana Cook gave there farewell talks to us, then we watch a clip of the the mission. Us Elders and the Hermanas in Cutral co and Plaza Hunicul are lucky becuase we got to ride with President Cook and Hermanas Cook to Zapala because from Neuquen to Zapala, Cutral Co is in the middle. The experience that we had, us elders got in the truck of the APs because the heremanas go with President Cook and Hermana Cook. On the way home from Zapala we are driving home on the ruta, which is like the highway in the states but it was cut becuase the Argentina's like to put tires in the road and light them on fire, it's there way of protesting here, really weird, but that's what they do. What we had to do was go off roading on some dirt path for miles and miles in the middle of no where. We are following President, we got really far on this road in the middle of the Patagonia when our tire goes flat, not just flat it was shredded, we have to pull over and President Cook doesn't see us, so he just keeps on going. We tried to call him but his phone doesn't work. So we go out and try to fix it but we can't lift the car becuase the lift broke and they didnt have another one in the truck. We were stuck in the middle of the Patagonia with the sun going down and it was getting cold. To make a long story short we finally got a hold of president and a member from Zapala so we got it fix. That was my experience for zone confrence.

Another thing that happened this week is we had stake conference, what an experience that was. The stake is in the city of Zapala and we had a broadcast to our chapel in Cutral Co. When I was sitting down I see the stake president in the chapel I was confused but what ended up happening is that it was a broadcast for Salt Lake City for all the stakes in Argentina. We got to listen to L Tom Perry. Henry B Eyring and two others from the seventy's. It was great what the church has done. The First Presidency wants to talk with all the members but because the chruch is growing so fast they come up with this. It was nice because the talks were personalized for the members here in Argentina. They talk about football and other things that are way Argentinan. it was great. The church is using the tools that the world has to offer to share the gospel. That was my experience for Stake Conference.

Sounds like everything is going well back at home. I haven't got my package but I haven't seen the bolsa. I have to talk to the district leader. I still havent sent my package I will try soon. It's hard because nothing is open during the siesta everyone just sleeps. I will send it soon. The book is activitys for teaching principles of the gospel. Well I'm out I will talk to you next week. I love you guys thats for the love and support. No Maties didn't get baptized but me and my comp are doing great, finding people. We have been trying to improve on how we can help our investigators. but thanks for everything.
Elder Price

PS I need to know how to make the frosting for cakes, sugar and what else? Me and my comp have been cooking a lot. we made tacos today hmmm.

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