Monday, September 28, 2009

Hola from Elder Price,
Another week here in Argentina, 2 Baptisms, how great it is that a husband and wife enter in the waters of baptism. It was great yesterday we confirmed them members of the church, and you could really feel the spirit as we gave them the gift of the Holy Ghost. The church is true.

Other than that we worked liked crazy, us three with half the city as our playing feild. We have to take buses to get around our whole area, it's that big. I might be getting a mini missionary to work with me for the next two weeks, but still haven't heard any news about my new comp that is coming. I just know that I'm going to head up to Neuquén in 2 weeks.

Next week is General conference. I can't wait, we get to here the words from a living prophet and apply them into our lives. I love reading the Liahonas with the conference talks in them. It's amazing to have Revelation, like Christ said in Matthew, and this is the Rock which my church is built. It's true revelation is key to everything we do in this life. That was something I was lacking all through high school. I'm just lucky I had great friends and parents to help me out.

Sound like everything is going great back home. I can't think of anything I need, just prayers!! Football seems like it is in full swing, rugby is starting up and Mike is turning into a writer, haha That is sweet about Dallin, using his talents to help others.

I will have to cut my letter a little short so that I can write a letter to the Boys in the ward. Hope everything is great back at home. Well I love all of you and thank you for everything you do for me. I will talk to you next week.
Chou con amor,
Elder Price

Monday, September 21, 2009

Hola Familia,
Great news here in Argentina! I have been called to Train!! The Lord has trusted me to train a new missionary. I'm so excited, kinda nervous but a I can't wait because nothing is impossble with the Lords help.

Its Crazy I was thinking if any of my friends came to my mission I could have been there trainer. Its also crazy that I'm going from Jr. comp straight to trainer. It's amazing what the Lord does to have us grow. Dad if you can, it would be sweet if you could get that leadership lesson, Gelwix talks about - How we are on the same plan trying to get to the same goal. That would be great.

Also Great News because my comp isn't coming for 3 weeks because of visa problems, I'm going to be in a trio and we are going have a baptism this week. I'm way excited. We are going to work our tails off to get the standard of the mission. That is the great news for the week. My old comp is leaving today because today is transfers, then im going in the trio. He is going up to Neuquen to finish off his last 6 mounths.

Wow the girls are getting old really fast. It's almost time for another one, haha! Time just flys way to fast. That's a bummer for Eric and BYU. They had it, this could have been there year. What is Micheal up to, just busy with school and rugby. I'm glad you got the package. I love those candys the best candys you can buy here. I also got your package. I have been sharing the candy with all the members. The ties are great. Everyone wants a tie.

That doesn't sound to fun with everyone getting sick. I'm just getting over it. The weather is getting great but there is still wind like always. I'm just way excited in a couple of weeks I get to take the 18 hour bus ride twice to pìck up my new comp at the mission home in Neuquen. This church is true! We are so blessed to know the true gospel of Christ.

There really isn´t much more happening here in the south, just a baptism soon and a new missionary on the way. I'm really excited and can't wait for the new adventures. Now I have no reason to complain that my comp is holding me back. Now its time to pick it up step up to the plate and go. Time to put it all in, even more than I have ever put in, and hold nothing back because I don't have anything holding me back. The church is true, and this is his work! I'm so thankful for everything you guys do! Have a great week! I will have a great week also. Love you guys.

Chou Con amor,
Elder Price