Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Everything is going great here in the great city of Comodoro. A lot of experiences everyday! A great one that happpened this week was this; I was sitting studing about King Benjaman in Mosiah when out of the corner of my eye I see something move. I hurry and look and I saw something run across the floor, it ran right into our washing room. I yell to the other elders "WE GOT A RAT IN THE HOUSE!" Then it began.... The rat hunt! We knew it went into the room and there was no way it could excape our grips. We ended up moving things trying to find this rat. We move a stack of tiles and it bolts Elder Staples has a dustpan and catches it and throws it across the room, then it lands and bolts out the room we started chasing it and you know me, this whole time I'm filming it, trying to catch the action. It ends up runing into Elder Staples shoe, now we have to move more things, and Elder Rozier is ready with a bucket and Elder Staples with a broom and I got the camera. We moved a little filing cabinet and it bolts again we are yelling thinking we can intimidate it with our yells and swift movements of the broom, that is in Elder Staples hand, he ends up make a nice high stick slap shot like a professional hockey player and Elder Rozier is right there ready to make the catch with the bucket. It was a job well done by the rat control squad!!! haha!

Other crazy experiences that happened this week; we are teaching this lady. let me tell you about here. She is a big lady that dresses like a gipsy and believes in this crazy African religion started by this African group, because they couldn't believe in the Catholics so they took everything and changed the names of God and Jesus Christ and all the saints. It was pretty crazy! We walked into here house and on the wall are these crazy African pictures of her Gods that she prays too, it was crazy. But we didn't care we where there to teach here about the true church of Jesus Christ. So we taught here and left here with a Book of Mormon, the book that changes lives. We ended up coming back this week and she read 21 chapters, then we taught here about the plan of salvation. We then left here with about 10 more chapters to read, and she read them!! The great part about this story, she told us our last lesson that she has been having bad dreams, like people dieing and killing just really bad. She said when we came over and taught her the first time and had her read the book of mormon she hasn't had these bad dreams. Its true the Book of Mormon is powerful. It was a sweet crazy experence.

Other things that are happening; we found this man named Jacinto. We found him on Saturday he is from Buenos Aires. He is here in comodoro to work. We found him and he was amazing. He wanted to read the Book of Mormon and pray. We found him on Saturday and the next day he said he wanted to come to church and he DID!! It's amazing. When we are ready to receive the prepared, the Lord will trust us and He will put them in our path.

We also found this other guy and taught him outside. He is about 80 and he can't see really well. He is from Peru. We taught him outside on a nice hot day and it felt like I was in Peru. They live in the poor part of town where houses made out of scrap metal and wood. They had there crap stream right next to us flowing down the the street and they had chickens running around. The MIssion is Great!!!!
So many experiences! It was amazing!

Sounds like you guys are having great experences over there. I CANT BELIEVE DREW IS GETTING MARRIED!!! He needs to wait for me to get home! That man, haha! O well I will forgive him. Mom if you could ask the sister that works in the MTC If she could get me a tall book from the MTC that is for the Spanish speakers learning English that would be amazing. if she could do that :) And I was wondering if I get a free suit if mine is all ruined, becuase my green suit is all riped up in the inside?? Did Mike like my cd that I sent to him?? Well that is a little of what is happening in my life down here a million miles away. Thanks for the love and support! Get better mom! Dad, keep up the great work! Mike find a wife! Eric, Jenn and the girls, thanks for everything. And grandparents thanks for teaching my parents how to be great people. Everyone else I love you guys....

Chou con amor
Elder Price

Monday, October 5, 2009

Hola Familia,


Now you are 05 years old. It's is crazy how fast time flys. You got a new ipod that sounds like fun. I'm still just listening to the great himnos on mine.

All Is well here in Comodoro! It has been tough to have this mini missionary. His name is Beto. It's not the same as having a missionary from the MTC and it's not like having a missionary that really wants to go on a mission because he thinks being inactive is cool. It has been a great time to grow and see how much I have changed and my testimony has grown. But other then that I have had a great time listening to the prophets and being spiritually lifted. It's true what Elder Hales said "God Talks to his Prophets face to face." God has a body, it is all true and we know it's true from the testimonies of the Prophets and the Book of Mormon. What a talk by Elder Holland wow! The Book of Mormon is true and that means this is the true church. It was an amazing conference. I love how I have grown to love conference, it has more meaning then just older men talking to us. The church is true.

Sounds like everything is going great. Sounds like it is cold, it is really cold here today. I don't know why I thought spring was coming but it is still cold, more cold then it has been all winter.

Rugby got recognized that is sweet! Is there a lot more players coming out? About that talk from Gelwix, it's alright if you haven't got it just get it when you can. I havent read that artical so it might be in there.

There isn't that much happening here in Comodoro. I just got a letter from president, I might be traveling up to Neuquen tomorrow. I have to call him tonight to see. I hope so. It was great to have a mini missionary but it was really hard when he didn't really do much. I just hope he will go on a mission. I have been trying to get him pumped to go. Right now he said his is going to do it, now we will just see if he finishes the last thing on his papers, then sends them in.

Tell everyone hello at home. I forgot to tell you DON'T send packages threw Fed Ex or UPS just send them like you have been doing. You might need to ask Isabelle Diederich becuase they where thinking about sending a package and if the did it through Fed Ex or UPS I will never get it becuase it will cost 1000 dollars. So if anyone asked to send a package just tell them not to send it threw Fed Ex or UPS, just send it through USA mail.

Well that's all for now! Have a great week. Thanks for your love and support. The church is true and God lives and Jesus is the Christ! Reading the scriptures everyday, that is something we are going to work with are ward. If they are all reading the scriptures and praying everyday the ward will be a lot stronger and the work will move faster.

This is the last week the Argentina Temple will be opened for two years because of remodeling. We have a lot of members that went, so hope they come back and are ready to share the gospel. The church is true! If you want to know what is happening here in Argentina read 2 Nephi 28 24-34, now we just have to teach line apon line... I love you guys! Have a great week and will talk to you guy soon. Happy birthday mom, you can play with my toes too they are really dirty and dry, haha!

Chou Con Amor,
Elder Price